Monday, May 19, 2008

Reusable Art

Art CUBE_graphic skin, originally uploaded by n:dL.

I found this essay by Maja and Reuben Fowkes compelling:

The Principles of Sustainability in Contemporary Art

They explain the need to transition from "Environmental Art" towards "Sustainable Art"...Artists have tended not to focus on the reuse of things, which is actually - next to energy innovation - is probably the single most important service anybody can do to advance the goals of sustainability. We need to focus here on process. And I don't think they are talking about adopting hippie lifestyles. I think we need to create recycling systems for everyone. We need to make on-site complete life-cycle process (like bamboo cultivation) both usable and attractive, culturally as well as economically. (The Art CUBE is a good example of a start.)

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